We are a newly formed hockey club in Tuam - 2021.
We are looking for new junior players, adults and club officials for the 2022-2023 season.
We value Respect, Tradition, Fair-Play, Competition and Enjoyment.
Tuam Falcons - Taster Session
Come along to one of our training sessions any Sunday and try out hockey for an hour
When? Sunday Sept 22nd
Where? St Pats Indoor Hall
Time? 10am - 1pm
Age Groups - Times to Attend
10 am - 11 am
[U10] Born in 2014 - 2017
11am - 12 noon
[15+] Young adults
12 noon - 1 pm
[U12] Born in 2010 - 2013
[U14] Born in 2007 - 2009
Hockey Sticks will be made available from the club which are free to use on the day, but if you have your own then please bring it along.
Players / Parents must register their interest on the expression of interest form on the clubs website, or email the club asking to attend on the day
Players must bring their mouth guard and shin guards with them to participate.
We look forward to welcoming you to the taster session and hope you will have a great day.
The taster session is being run in partnership with Hockey Ireland, Connacht Hockey, Sport Ireland and the Galway Local Sports Partnership
*Players attending a taster session should have their own personal accident insurance in place as they are not affiliated to the club or hockey Ireland. Club members who are fully registered and affiliated to the club will benefit from PA insurance under hockey Irelands membership product.
*To avail of the personal accident insurance, players need to be registered with hockey Ireland.